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    SECTION VII: ESTIM ATED EXPENSES lb> S e rv ic e ch a rg e. In con sid era tion fo r the p riv ile g e of dem anding ^ ^ m ^ e n - ZT M j M jji 1S W B share '(based on o f D i e - a m ortiza tion co s ts of B .M .I . 7 5 /4 3 75 or 31.4% of the t r ic t. This p rop ortion a te share would be 1 3 .7 5 /4 3 .7 5 or 5 i.* /o above d e s c r ib e d c o s ts . I P a s t r e c o r d s have shown that the overh ea d and nnaintenance co sts fo r these w ater fa c ilitie s have a vera ged le s s than $5. P m illio n g a llon s. U sing this fig u re , it is estim a ted that the Wate TYictrirt's share of the overh ead and m aintenance D is tr ic t s s $ 1 .7 3 pceors tms ifloliro nB .g Ma ll.oI.n s . water facilities w ill be ($5. 5U) 151. "t/o; - * * , T k T his w ill apply to the total quantity of w ater tra n sp orted fr o m Lak Mineiasd w toil lM aapnpxgya nese, Inc. F o r this rreenp oo rr tt , i1t1 wwas assumed that the w ater re q u irem en t of B .M .I . would be 25 m gd, l . e . 9, 125 m g per y e a r . The W ater D is tr ic t 's share of annual a m ortisa tion co, b e 31.4% of 6% of the ^ r t imngs,, ttrr«aun sm ission , and storage 1 however, it is p rop o s ed tha^t the WWaatteerr S Z Z Z S H those w ater f a c i ^ ? “ " ated ^ aiter$ w h ich n ^ f J S ; paym ents w ill be re q u ir e d . (c) r.w c r e .s fo r the d e liv e ry of w ater to M anganese, Inn. TTIhipe 1T -iaass Vv cegeaa s V a lleyy Water D is tr ic t further agreed to pay to . • • tviocp rharffss w ere on t,“ A ), and they con siste d oi cn a rg es iuj. r the p ow er co s t of pum ping the w ater. I The p u rch ase p r ic e of the water is regu la ted b y the follow in g ch a rg e s: I I Bureau of Reclamation = 50f per acre-foot . C o lora d o R iv e r C o m m iss io n = i t p er a c r e -fo o t I ? T ota l P u rch a se P r ic e of W ater = $1. b9 p er m g -3 5 -