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I agree.Las Vegas, Bevada, June 15th,1926 Mr. l . F . C a lvin ,P resid en t, Las VegaB Land & Water Co., Los Angeles, C a lif. Dear S ir : Attached you w i l l fin d copy o f l e t t e r to S ecretary C.H. Bloom, requesting Deed f o r the Hawkins Land & Water Co. coverin g acreage fouth o f Las Vegas Townsite, which we sold to him under agreement dated Feb.24/1926. || I would r e s p e c tfu lly c a ll your a tte n tio n to the fa c t that although the agreement c a rrie s date o f Feb.24/1926 the same was not d e liv e re d u n til A p r il 14th. Mr.Hawkins is making request fo r abatement o f in te r e s t coverin g balance due (§30,000.00) from date o f agreement up to the time agreement was d e liv e re d and i n i t i a l payment forwarded to A u d itor’ s o f f i c e on our Form 6. I f you ap-prove, I would recommend that th is be given . Yours tr u ly , V ice P resid en t & Agent SUBJECT: Agreement between Las Vegas Land & Water Co. and Hawkins Land & Water Co. WHB/mcp