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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    DRAFT * April 9, 1951 Mr. A. I. Stoddard - Omaha: (ec - Mr. W. H. Hulsizer f Mr. R. M. Sutton [£ Mr. T. W. Bockes m ) Mr. 1. 1. Bennett % m A hearing before the Nevada Public Service Commission 0$ application of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company for in­crease in water rates was held in Las Vegas, Nevada April 3j?£ to April 5, 1951• Almost the entire hearing was devoted to the /l A-ss‘f' u A'>£o/l. o/- jUts & u #? ft o « direct and cross-examination of Mr. Roy A. Wehe.v The hearing was adjourned before we had an opportunity to present all of our testimony. We expect the hearing to be resumed in the latter part of May at a date to be /later definitely fixed. The only -fuisml protestants^were the City of Las Yegas and the Motel Association although representatives of the Property Owners Association were present in the courtroom and will probably be heard from when the protestants have an opportunity to put in their evidence. of the City Attorney was not as antagonistic as we had expected. The City Attorney did state that the Commission must take into consideration the adequacy of the service of the utility in fixing its rates. We can expect the City to offer some evidence relating to the adequacy of the supply of water. The attitude of the City as exemplified by the conduct