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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas * January 6, 19 6 9 W 2 > 1 Hr* 0* H* Coryi C oo - Hr. w«. Reinhardt Hr, 1, B. Bennett) Referring to Hr. Reinhardt** letter January 3rd regarding proposed relocation of water a&in to per- ait construction of new school building Brldger Streets: at 8th and Hill you please also prepare our usual fora of labor contract, addressed to Rov&da Construction Cospany to oower labor required in relocating this lino, perforated*Following is description of the work to bo M *R#«ave existing 8-lnch oast iron water nain in Eighth Street, ootaaencing at a point 115 feet south of south curb line of Brldger Avenue, thence northerly 120 feet; thenoe at right angles westerly in Brldger Avenue a distance of loo feet, store or less, to the ex­Sitsrteientgs *o-lnoh water nain at the alley between 7th and 8th And relocate said 8-inch water nain, commencing at a connection with the existing ^-inoh water sain in Brldger Avenue between ?th and 8th Streets, thence southerly a distance of 120 feet to a point} thence at right angle* easterly a distance of 16© feet, nore or lEeisgsh,t ht oS tar eecto.n*nection with existing 8-lnch water nain in Feet of Pipe - 280 Consideration - f 1**30.00 A. X. folger