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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TH O M A S A . CAMPBELL PRESIDENT SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD I A Q VICE PRESIDENT * ? »-»« W ILLIAM COULTHARD ' SEC'Y-TREAS. HARRY E. MILLER E. O T T O UNDERHILL JAM ES CA SH M A N JO H N BUNCH V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D ISTR ICT 9 0 0 S O U T H S T H S T R E E T LAS VEGAS, NEVADA T E L E P H O N E 5 9 2 0 M ay 26, 1953 P . ? . B O X 1 4 4 8 c o p M r. L. R. M aag, Acting General Manager Las Vegas Land and Water Company Las Vegas, Nevada Dear M r. Maag; In accordance with your request, there are being returned to you herewith the following requests for approval by the District of three additions and betterments to the Las Vegas Land ami Water Company system, v i z . W 23-1-115 W 2 3 -1 -8 8 W 23 -1-107 Upon the advice of James M . Montgomery, Consulting Engineer for the District, that a ll of these projects w e considered necessary and meet with his approval, the carbon copies are being returned to you herewith approved by the undersigned as President of the Las Vegas V a lle y Water District. Very truly yours, LAS V E G A S V A LLEY WATER DISTRICT ly Thomas A . Campbell, President TACsar ones. ces M r. James M . Montgomery