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Serial No. 15754. APPLICATION FOR PERMISSION TO CHANGE POINT OF DIVERSION, MANNER OF USE AND PLACE OF USE OF THE PUBLIC WATERS OF THE STATE OF NEVADA HERETOFORE APPROPRIATED. Date of first receipt and filing in State Engineer's office— ~ Returned to applicant for correction--- — — --------- --- ---— ------- Corrected application filed--- --- The undersigned^o5 Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad ..Company.,,,---- (N a m e o f a p p lic a n t.) 0 f Las Vegas State of. Nevada County of. Clark hereby makes application for permission to change the. POINT OF DIVERSION — — ---- ----—— ------ of water heretofore appropriated under Pe^ a^tn^ re^ ^ V ha!,?sr^' 1L 1f ° ‘t h P ~ ° a p p lic a tio n , 4. <?., v e ste d , d e creed o r p e r m itte d r ig h t .) 1. The source of water supply is--- Underground--- _— --- — -— --— — — - 2. The quantity of water desired to be changed 1 • 40 J3 °;oBd f-e7t:> — 3. The water is to be used for Rallrogid and Domestic - -Purposes 4. The water heretofore used for Railroad and Domestic Purposes------ 5. Place of use under existing appropriation---(Under ,rr,gatlon glve numt,er Nw£ sw£, Section 34; E^- NE^- and NE-^ SE^, Section 33t T 20 S _____— — an d d e s c r ip tio n in. r e s p e c t to G o v e rn m e n t L a n d S u r v e y ; u n d e r a n y o th e r u se g iv e lo c a tio n a s b e in g w ith in a 4 0 -a c re R 61 E, M.D.B.&M. " ' ' ? . ________ ____ su b d iv isio n .) 6. Proposed place of use under this application NW£ SW-r. Section 34; E? NEr and NEg SEja Section 33j T 20 ..S,_--------- o f a c r e s a n d d e s c r ip tio n in A s p e c t to G o v e rn m e n t L a n d S u r v e y ; u n d e r a n y o th e r u se g iv e lo c a tio n a s b e in g w ith in a R. 61 E. M.D.B.&M,________ _ __ — ----- — 4 0 -a c r e su b d iv isio n .) i «7t a TDhoin\atin which the s£ CoSreV. ooYf' %sa4i*dV lSe2c£. d 33 hears S.3^°57I15,IW., a dls.of 4463.f9r0o mfeet " ( D e s c r ib e a s b e in g w ith in a 4 0 -a c r e su b d iv isio n o f p u b lic s u r v e y o r b y c o u rs e an d d is ta n c e to a s e c tio n c o rn e r.) as ioiiows.-w-h-i-c--h- -t-h-e- -S-.-W-.- —Co. r: .. of sai. d :S ec . s 34 bears S.O^O* 21 W, 3,5g8fe.e3t5. ( I f p o in t o f d iv e rsio n Is n o t ch a n g e d do n o t a n s w e r .) Number and kind of animals proposed to be watered. 10. Use will begin about. --- and end about— • 3^* — of each year. * (i^Ionth) (M o n th ) 11. The water has been used heretofore during the months of. _______ JanJ a.n1. t1 o tDoe cD e. c.3 1 31 ____ _______....J ___-_-_-_-_-_-_-_1of each year i ? R em arks Water covered by this application was heretoforeappropriated under Permit No. 7200, the point-of diversion being changed under Permit No 15140a Applicant will continue to use l.l.Q c,f ,g_.— of .water at., point of diversion authorized by Serial No. 15140 and will use 1.40 c.f.s. at Daw point of diversion covered byLjfchis_appllQa.ti.oiij— For _gush.. purpose* unniTpant'/Will drill a new well at the point of diversion described in Paragraph 7 of this application, and wjhen compile:fced^ applicant w i l l ... simultaneously submit Proof of Beneficial Use under Serial No. 15140 and this application. - '; - ;— — — — ---? ??— I----- -— — -- — ------- -—