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I agree.Las Vegas w January 6, 194? W 1 2 -6 -2 Hr* V. W. Smiths f e | i# «* Mr, Frank S tro n g f1^ ' P le a se see your f i l e 20-334-1, February 21, 1946, tra n sm ittin g statement o f w ater production and consumptloii a t l a s Vegas* For use in eompiXing the annual re p o rt to Nevada P u b lic Berrios Commission, w i l l you k in d ly send us a s im ila r re p o rt showing number o f g a llo n s o f w ater so ld and used by the R ailro ad Company and d e liv e re d to LVL&W Co, during the year 1246* For ready re fe re n c e 1 attach a work sheet showing d e liv e r ie s aeeording to our re c o rd s , segregated between C lark S tr e e t, Ogden S tre e t, W estsid e, ant C harleston m eters, and the t o t a l agrees w ith A u d ito r*# Form f , P lease a ls o ad vise re g a rd in g changes made in the number o f fe e t o f tran sm ission mains in R a ilro a d accounts west o f the track a t L as Vegas d a rin g 1946, t h i s w i l l include rearrangement o f tran sm ission lin e s between w e lls end s e t t lin g p asin , and a ls o the new 24* l i n e on C harleston Boulevard. Please a ls o state c ap a c ity o f the new r e s e r v o ir . X m asking Mr. Strong to send me a re p o rt on production fig u r e s f o r the y ear so t h is inform ation ©an a ls o be in cluded in the annual rep o rt* A. M, Folger