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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    f xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Las Vegas* Nevada January 31* 1951 W 2>l-78 Housing Authority of the City 500 Noofr tLha s1 1tVehg aSst*r eNeetvada Las Vegas* Nevada Attention - N©rc*e cHuetribvee rtD iGreercstoonr Gentlemen* Ref erring to your letter of January 23* 1951 concerning construction of water mains to serve your proposed housing development south of Washington Avenue and vest of 1 Street* Las Vegas* Nevada* To adequately serve this project It will be lnoecoaestsiaorny Intdoi ccaontsetdr buyct r 6e#d lainnde Ss * oona stth si arotnt amcahiend pIrni nt* The Water Ceamany Is willing to construct the sains* whloh are estimated to ooet t9»5©0* to be insltaal aldeddi ttioo pnr* ovtihdee C aidteyq rueaqtuei rfeisr e9 p rfoit*ecc thyidorna nftosr the subdivision* Tne estimated cost of providing the 6* water lines required to serve these hydrants is #2*200* upon rooeiIpft tohfe pyrooupro asa plr eivsa ls*a triesqfuaecstotr ay uttoh oyroiut*y wfeor will* ytoheu ro cohnesetkr uoltal otnhe oaf motuhneste o lfl n$e1e1 *a76n0d pulpaocne r eocredieprt f oofr the materials to enable us to proceed with the instsllatlea coincident with your development project* The above estimate Includes a contingency iitne mma otfe ri|a1*l0 7a0n*d wohtihcerh uIsn fotor sceoevne rco aatnsy* unfOourrs oeoennt rIanoctrease wbiel lle perso vtihdaen ytohuart dIfe potshiet *a ctsuuaclh ecxocsets so fa mtoheun wto wrikl ls hablel refunded to you* In the event* however* that the actual cost should exceed the amount of your deposit*