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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mr. Frank Strongs Lea Vegas - 1 October 23, 1947 23-1 m C oo - Mr. Mr. 1. I. Bennett 0. M. Gory) For the benefit of our records, I attach copy of letter from the City Glerk under date of October 22, formally notifying us that the 80 acres immediately north of the H.F.M. & M. and Valley View Additions have now been annexed to the City of Las Vegas. Malone advises this tract will be subdivided for prompt construction of a housing project for colored people. The houses will be of substantial consternation to sell for #7500 each and (He says) a large number of them have already made the 1G# down payment. Assume we will soon receive requests for water main extension into this tract, and we are in a position to supply it from the 8* sain on Street. This for your Information. A. M. Folger