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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFfOE Lob Angeles - Oct. 20, 1949 File: 80*5 Mr, A.M. Folger - Las Vegas (ec: Mr. Wsu Reinhardt) Referring to your letter of October 18th, your file ¥-25-7, relative to discussion with City Com­al ssloner Bunker concerning the present license tax and his thought that m contemplate charging $0,00 per month per hydrants I expect to be out in Las Vegas some day next week, the definite date of which I will advise you later, and Mr. Reinhardt suggested that I have a talk with Commissioner Bunker and Commissioner PIocoll. I would appreciate It If you would telephone Mr, Bunker and tell him that 1 will be out this coming week and would like to talk to him and Mr. Flocoll and the other commissioners If they so desire, although I prefer not to make it a general meeting, and go over this situation with him. E. E. Bennett OWCi? HHi. 1f°4.9