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    bH I W L,$, 1652 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 $111 »fts igVMMft ftm% us riots usm Am * n eorporatlon of the ate to of Boeade, greater, Is eeRSidoratioa of the sum of Ifii and Ko/100 (flQ,00) Sol* iiri, to It 1b Uni paid, Worn receipt whereof is hereby eok* nowlodged, dees hereby grout end ©oaroy to 103 AXttXlff h SAIT LJk%M HAtxJlQAO CGHPAXT, a corporation of tlio ttste of Utah, Grant©#, oil that land situsto la the City of Us feges, County of Clirt:, Sts to of Hands, bounded and described os follows, to*wlts fhat sorts la triangular shaped parcel of load' situs tod la thodty of Us Togas, County of Clark, state of Benda, being tut portion of the @W| of'ttoo 31| of Soot!on 27, T» 20 S., 1. |l X. . g,S.B,g M„ lying westerly of Mala Street sad southerly of Boaenna deserlbed ss followsi Beginning at the laterseetioa of the southerly i|» of Boasass Usd, #§ foot la width, with tfeevasterly llao of Mala Street. ft foot la width; thoaeo along said wostorly llao 3, 27® 45* W. >7,91 foot to the wost llao of the if! of sold ioottoa 27j thoaeo along sold wost Uao if, 0® 14* 20" X. 43*88 foot to s polat on the southerly llao of said ion&asa Shad;' th oaeo easterly along sold aouthorly Uao 20,18 foot, nor© or loss, to the point of h«glnnlng. fmwmM with oil sad singular the tenements, heredi­taments and sppurtsnsnees thereunto belonging or in snywlso appertaining. *:3$ByiCf, ummn. to the following emeeptioaa, laeum- hremoss, rose restleas sal reotrlotloasi 1, All taros and asseesaeats levied or osoosood sgslnst sold lead subsequent to tho yosr 1943, shell ho paid hy tho trantoo heroin, and aot hy tranter, 2, All wstor sad water rights spyurtoasat to said load sre horohy oxooptod from this eoarsyaaee sad sro reserved hy 9mator. 26