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Las Vegas City Ordinances, November 13, 1950 to August 6, 1958, lvc000015-102


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    Those voting "Nay": None........................................... ............. Absent: Mayor Baker ____________________________________________________________ s/ Reed Whipple Mayor Pro Tem (SEAL) ATTEST: s/_ Shirley Ballinger____________________ City Clerk AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF NEVADA,)8s. COUNTY OF CLARK ) H.M. Greenspun . being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is Publisher of the LAS VEGAS MORNING SUN, a daily newspaper, of general circulation, printed and published in said newspaper for a period of two weeks from May ll. 1952, to May 8. 1952 inclusive, being the issues of said newspaper for the following dates, to-wit: May 1. 8. 1952. That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated on each of the dates above named. s/ H.M. Greenspun Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of May, 1952. (SEAL) _______s/ Barbara J. Greenspun Notary Public in and for Clark County, Nevada. My Commission Expires March 17, 1956. ORDINANCE NO. 486 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 33 OF THE LAS VEGAS CITY CODE BY PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF NEW SECTIONS REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF TAXIMETERS AND BY PROVIDING RATES OF FARE AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. The Board of Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas does ordain as follows: Section 1. There is hereby added a new section to be designated as Section 18 of Chapter 33, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, as follows. TAXIMETER, means a meter instrument or device attached to a taxicab which measures mechanically the distance driven and the waiting time upon which the fare is based. Section 2. There is hereby added a new section to be designated as Section 19 of Chapter 33, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, as follows: All taxicabs operated in the City of Las Vegas shall be equipped with taximeters fastened in front of the passengers, visible to them at all times day and night; and after sun down, the face of the taximeter shall, be illuminated. Said taximeter shall be operated mechanically by a mechanism of standard design and construction, driven either from the transmission or from one of the front wheels by a flexible and permanently attached driving mechanism. They shall be sealed at all points and connections which, if manipulated, would affect their correct reading and recording. Each taximeter shall have thereon a flag to denote when the vehicle is employed and when it is not employed; and it shall be the duty of the driver to throw the flag of such taximeter into a recording position when employed and into a non-recording posi­tion at the termination of each trip. The said taximeters shall be subject to inspection from time to time by the Police Department. Any inspector or other officer of said department is hereby authorized either on complaint of any person or without such complaint, to inspect any meter and, upon discovery of any in­accuracy therein, to notify the person operating said taxicab to cease operation. Thereupon said taxicab shall be kept off the streets until the taximeter is repaired and in the required working condition. Section 3. There is hereby added a new section to be designated as Section 20 of Chapter 33, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, as follows: No owner or driver of a taxicab shall charge a greater sum for the use of a taxicab than in ac­cordance with the following rates. (A) Mileage Rates: Fifty Cents (50¢) for the first 2/3 mile or fraction thereof; Ten Cents (10¢) for each additional 1/4 mile or fraction thereof; Twenty-five Cents (25¢) per trip for each additional passenger over three (3). (B) Waiting Time: Four Dollars ($4.00) for each hour of waiting time. Every taxicab operated in the City of Las Vegas shall have a rate card setting forth the authoriz­ed rated of fare displayed in such a place as to be in view of all passengers. Section 4. There is hereby added a new section to be designated as Section 21 of Chapter 33, Code of Las Vegas, Nevada, 1949, as follows: It shall be unlawful for any person to refuse to pay the legal fare of any of the vehicles men­tioned in this chapter after having hired the same, and it shall be unlawful for any person to hire any ve­hicle herein defined with intent to defraud the person from whom it is hired of the value of such service. Section 5. In order that no hardships shall be placed upon any taxicab owner by the provisions of this ordinance every owner shall have sixty (60) days from the effective date of this ordinance to comply with the provisions hereof. Section 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty