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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hon. Gray Mashbara Attorney-General Carson City, Nevada Dear Mr. A* torney-General: There is herewith enclosed eopy of this com­mission’s Opinion rnd Order o f A pril 25, 105$, in Case Ho. 1027, in the Matter of Discontinuance of Water Service to the Residents of bardie Addition, City of Las Vegas, Nevada, by the Southern Nevada Land and Development Company. It w ill be noted that the question goes to the matter of furnishing water service to the citizens in Wardie Addition, Las Vegas, Nevada. In order to deter­mine respon sibility a suit In mandamus against a ll o f the parties to the service in question would seem to be the only means of determining the question. In order that the rights of said citizens in Wardie Addition to public u t ilit y service may be determined the commission respect­fu lly requests that you bring an appropriate proceeding for the enforcement of the order in question at an ear7ly date. Awaiting your consideration, and with every good wiah, w@ are, Very tru ly yours, PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OF NEVADA ? cc— Mr.Knickerbocker «T* P. Shaughnessy, Chairman Mr. Bennett Mr.l.H.Bracken Mr.Leo A. McHamee C O P T (fro® F.R.McHamee)