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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, February 17, 1937 to August 4, 1942, lvc000004-231


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    OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY OF LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY NEVADA. NOVEMBER 28th, 1939. Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commission rs of the City of Las Vegas held on the 28th day of November, 1939 at the hour of seven thirty P.M. Present Mayor Russell, Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti, City Attorney and Clerk Absent Commissioner Gilbert. Minutes of meeting of November 16th read and approved as read. The consideration of application of the Northern Club for the operation of a "foot ball parley game" was had at this time. After some discussion on the matter on motion of Commissioner Ronnow, seconded by Commissioner Corradetti it was moved and carried that this application be denied on the grounds that the licensing of same had not been provided by either ordinance or resolution and that also that said game had been in operation prior to making of application for said game. Vote Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Ronnow seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and carried that a beverage license be granted to Joseph Cazier for 206 Wilson Ave. Vote Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. On motion of Commissioner Corradetti seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and car­ried that one slot machine license be granted to Jack Weisberger for 508 Fremont St. Vote Commissioners Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Commissioner Ronnow voting no because Mr. Weisberger had been found guilty of using unfair tacts in the oper­ation of his slot machines and had served sentence when found guilty on this charge. Mr. Riddle of the Biddle Scenic Tours appeared before the Board with a schedule of the tariff charged by his company and ask that the Board approve the same. After some discussion it was decided before approving Mr. Riddle's schedule that the Board would consider the present schedule of the other companies operating vehicles for hire. On motion of Commissioner Ronnow seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and carried that the Clerk write the holders of taxi cab licenses in the City and ask them to file in the office of the Clerk not later than Monday the 4th day of December copies of their schedules of tariff. Vote Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Bids for the installation of a heating unit for the jail, fire station and police station were opened at this time. This bid calling for the installation of an oil buring system. After discussing the matter for some time the Mayor appointed Commissioners Corradetti and Ronnow to investigate the cost of heating the same by electricity, and to report back to the Board, Mrs. Lane appeared before the Board and ask that the Board reimburse her for hospital bills incurred at the time she was injured by a fall on Carson Street in the City of Las Vegas. This fall being due, so she stated, to the poor repair of the public street. Mrs Lane was inform­ed that the time limit had lapsed for the placing of any such claim and therefore the City was not in position to allow same. Ordinance No. 247, entitled " An Ordinance to amend Section 8 of Ordinance No. 244 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled: "An ordinance of the City of Las Vegas licensing, for purpose of regulation and revenue every kind of lawful business hereinafter specified, transacted or carried on within the corporate limits of the City of Las Vegas, State of Nevada: fixing the rates of license tax upon the same and providing for the collection of said license tax, and a punish­ment for carrying on or conducting any such business without a license and repealing Ordinances Numbered 1,2,4, 14,35,48, 62, 74, 81, 95, 102, 112, 117, 145, 184, 192, and 243" was read for a first time and adopted by the following vote; Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent Commissioner Gilbert. The Clerk was directed to have this ordinance published in the Las Vegas Review Journal for once each week for two consecutive weeks. Ordinance No. 248, entitled "An Ordinance to amend section 2, as amended, and section 16, as amended, of Ordinance No. 203 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled; "An Ordinance regulating the distribution and control of intoxicating and alcoholic liquors and beverages; regulating places where and under what conditions said intoxicating and alcoholic liquors and beverages may be kept sold, given away or otherwise distributed; providing for permits and licenses; providing penalties for the violation of this ordinance and repealing all ordinances ar parts of ordinances in conflict therewith," and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinances," was read to the Board for a first time and adopted by the following vote: Commission­ers Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Absent Commis­sioner Gilbert. The Clerk was directed to have this ordinance published in the Las Vegas Age, a weekly news­paper published in the City of Las, Vegas, once each week for two consecutive weeks. No further business appearing before the Board at this time on motion of Commissioner Corrade­tti seconded by Commissioner Krause it was moved and carried that this meeting adjourn. Vote Commissioners Ronnow, Krause and Corradetti and His Honor the Mayor voting aye. Noes, none. Thereupon said meeting adjourned.