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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas Land and Water Company s% Wo H. Johnson Acting General Manager 401 South Second Street Las Vegas, Nevada April 15, 1952 To Hr. A. Bartlett 1122 Chapman Drive Laa Vegas. Nevada Service No. ‘900? - MONTHLY RATES #2.25 Our records indicate your water bill for the month of tVymi Haw. 1QR9 Attention is respectfully directed to the following Rules and Regulations: ue on this property Tor May, 1950y for #2.00. d not live there at this' tin*.—if this is please have your check for #2.00 so that rds on this Account. The Servioe No. ie fieauB unow this Service number on your payment or return tMe Statement to ua. Service No. on YODR Account at 1122 Chapman Drive ie: #900?. in amount of $ 9.Q0______has nbt been paid. I. Water bills are due on FIRST of each month. 20 Bills beeome delinquent on the Fifteenth. Will appreciate early settlement. fl ry* LAS VEGAS / / / By---abh own the property at 1118 ChapmanJDrive / /