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    rfov €7 and Pip® L ines, Clark County, Nevada Los A ngelos, November 8 , 1927* Mr. H. L. Adamson: R eplying to your req u est o f November 3rd that I advise what a c tio n , I f any, should he taken to p e r fe c t the R a ilro a d ’ s t i t l e to the property d escribed in copy o f a b stra ct subm itted, I wish to a d v ise: Upper Cottonwood Springs? No r ig h ts were requ ired to the water o f Upper"Cottonwood s p r in g s o y reason o f the instrum ents designated in the a b s tr a c t, Nos. 1 to 5 in c lu s iv e , fo r the reason that no water from said sprin g was ever applied to a b e n e fic ia l use thereunder. Wilson B roth ers, under c e r t i f i c a t e o f ap p ropriation o f water d e s ig ­nated No. 5A, acquired confirm ation o f th e ir vested righ t- to the amount o f water they had a ctu a lly th e re to fo re used from said sp rin g fo r the w atering o f th e ir liv e s t o c k n ot exceeding 0.02b cu. f t . per second. The R a ilroa d , as assign ee o f Nevada Lime & Rock Company1* a p p lica tio n f o r perm ission to appropriate the p u b lic water o f the State o f Nevada, S e r ia l No. 7072, acquired a r ig h t to the use o f a l l o f the water o f Upper Cottonwood Spring, as w ell ns any water I t may d evelop th e re in , not exceeding 1 e u .f t . per second, su b je ct to the r ig h ts o f F llson Brothers enumerated in the agreement designated No. 7 In the a b s tr a c t. In order fo r the R ailroad Company to make p ro o f o f the a p p lica tio n to a b e n e fic ia l use o f the water o f Upper Cottonwood S p rin gs, S e r ia l Bo. 7072, and the water developed th e re in , i t w ill be necessary fo r i t to procure on or b e fo r e February 21, 1929, per­m ission from the State Engineer f o r the change o f p la ce and character o f use o f the water from th is sou rce, as the o r ig in a l a p p lica tio n was fo r m ining, m illin g and dom estic purposes at S loan , Nevada, and we are now u sin g and w ill continue the use o f th is water at Arden fo r r a i l ­road purposes, as w ell as f o r m ining, m illin g and dom estic u ses. I f the land upon which Upper Cottonwood Springs i s loca ted i s unoccupied p u b lic land o f the United S tates, as 1 am a ’ v ised i t i s , the R a ilro a d ’ s t i t l e th ereto i s on ly p ossessory . In order to maintain such ponses®cry r ig h t to the sprin g and proposed p ipe lin e and s u ffic ie n t su rface ground fo r the convenient use and maintenance th e r e o f, we should prepare, f i l e and submit fo r the aP~ p rov e! o f the Secretary o f the I n te r io r under the Act o f February i o ,