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I agree.w 23-? Mr, 1, H. Snodgrass: « Yogas (oc • Mr, J. F. Cox - Omaha Mr. It. 11. Clark - Los Angeles I*aa Vega# - August 8, Pleas© not© tlae attacked statement from Sears, Moemmk and Co. regarding alleged damage is the amount dj* f^5.22 to their electrio hot water heater caused, they say, by low water pressure* duly 22nd. It is true that we were troubled with low pressure 1® the business district particularly la the two and three story structures* last it is ay understanding that a properly constructed water heater is equipped with & thermostat which automatically shuts off the power when the temperature reaches a certain degree. Will you kindly make acknowledgement direct to Manager Thorn at your convenience. A. M. Folger