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    12. m .M B j n i TO BE FILLED OUT BY EMPCl, ( S e e i n s t r u c t i o n s b e f o r e f i l l i a. Name of employet?:_Jias V eKag Land & W a t e f ? A v a n y ® • Trade nane of estployor; Address: , T M u d * ~ 1 S d. Location of place(.) of business involved in proposal for wage or salary adjustment --- ---------------- L«« V « g * < f N e v a d a __________________ 11. 13. 14. £ £ n plr n ;% ^ s Salaried Dates of payroll period workers not in From 1 - / - V f To l IS - H i Wage earners Nusber actually working Total san-hours worked Average straight-t ine hourly earnings excess of $5000 a year ( s e e i n s t r u c t i o n s ) Nusber actually working Average straight-tine hourly “ i nc r * " " ° r * • < * * * » « i » « » d / . r s a l a r i e s . a d . • o r . thou 10* o f th . . ” 1 dur ln9 *J * P’ r l ° d i * « . d i a t . l y p r e c ed in g t h i « d o t . ) o f f o o t in g i a ° i “ ! f * ‘ e I f t h . e n p lo y . r ha. . a d . a f l a t a d j « . t . . n t , 1 , . t h . d a t . th . a d j a a t . . . , . a d , , t h . a . . u „ t « f t h . « d j „ . t . . . t 1 . . . a t . p . r h.ur aad th . H I * ” I T 1! M ' » « . . . . . d . la v a r y in g a“ . a . . f Date of change 5 j - H I . Nature of change T>*^4y Bifn t’-Wi1 MfrOny mficft ? Number dire c t ly affected Average straight-t iae hourly earn­ings , before change, o f nusber d ire c t ly affected J ei ° l 7 S U L Total nusber of-employees actually work­ing on date s s ( A t t a c h a d d i t i o n a l s h e e t s i f n e c e s s a r y ) Is application being mad* to th. National War Labor Board through oth.r offices of the places of business owned or operated by this employer? Yes N o _ X If the adjustment for which this application is sfdde ils approved, is it intended to hy*tht« :ppi~:;,°f io °lh" pl— °f ^ « t i s - a. h. Do you intend to make the proposed wage or salary adjustment the basis of a request for an increase in the price ceiling of any commodity or service? Yes ____ No_X_ If.r#* i# «h*ok*d . instructions and give th« following data- 1. On what commodity or service will a price ceiling increase be sought? ______ 2‘ b* the effect on your business if the proposed wag. or salary adjustment is approved Without price relie f? _______________ _________ (a i additional sheets i f necessary) For the employer: Name Tit le Vice President 2 (TO BE RETURNED TO APPLICANT)