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October 12, 1951. M IN U T E S O F * REGULAR M O N T H L Y M E E T IN G O F THE BOARD O F DIRECTORS O f LAS V E G A S V A L L E Y WATER DISTRICT HELD O N F R ID A Y , O CTO BER 12TH, AT 4:00 O 'C L O C K , P . M . , AT THE O FFIC E O F THE DISTRICT, 135 SO U TH 4TH STREET, LAS V E G A S , N E V A D A . The Directors 6 Las Vegas V a lle y Water District met for the regular monthly meeting on Friday, October 12th, 1951, at 4:00 o 'c lo c k , P . M . , at the office of the District, 135 South 4th Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. The following Directors were present: President Thomas A . Campbell V ic e President S. L. Butterfield See-Treos. G . W m . Coulthard Bunch C ashman Underhill Absent: Director M iller. Chief Engineer and Manager Clark was also present. The minutes of an adjourned session of the August regular meeting, held on September 7, 1951, having been circulated in writing to all Directors, and no additions or corrections noted, stood approved. The first old business for attention was the scheme of M r. Charles Squires and associates to develop a capacity of 50 M G D in the 40-inch pipe line from Lake Mead as far as Manganese O res, In c ., by cutting the pipe line at that point and making numerous alterations in the pumps, e tc ., and running a direct line to Las Vegas from Manganese O res, Inc. The Manager stated that he had arranged with the Secretary of the Colorado River Commission for M r, Squires to appear before that body at its regular meeting on Friday, October 26th. The Directors- indicated their intention of attending that meeting in Henderson. The Chairman advised the Directors that he had contacted M r. Roland Sm ith, one of the Plant Lessees at Henderson, who had indicated a wish to bring two other Plant Lessees with him and meet at a quiet luncheon with a selected committee of the Water District (Butterfield, Cashman and Campbell) to discuss the water situation during the coming week of October 15-20. The Board decided to participate in such a meeting. If the com mittee, as selected, could not be assembled from the Directorate on the date far the luncheon, the Chairman agreed to appoint a substitute to replace the absentee. The situation facing the Water District, as well as the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, over the sale of their utility to the District, was then taken up for discussion. The officials of the utility reported their repeated failures in attempts to get the State Legislature to remove the legal restrictions to the introduction of water meters in cities of Nevada having a population of 4500, or over, except where served by a municipal utility. The outlook for the purchase of the water utility by the District appeared dim at present. In the absence of Director M iller, the matter was ordered carried over to the next regular meeting for further discussion. » The Chairman reported a letter received from O 'M e lv e n y & Myers, bond attorneys for the -District,-cover!ng~the~difficuftles they saw ahead should the Directors decide to become a going-concern by purchasing the local water utility with a bond issue. V ice President Butterfield reported on the meeting which he and Director M iller recently had with the Clark County Commissioners relative to further financing of the District's expenses. The County Commissioners urged the District's officials to get along the best