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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    :\ September 9, 1952 r M 4 M&ricet Spot £02 South Second Street Las Vegas, Mev&da Gentlemens A recent survey indicated y o u are operating Refrigeration Machines having a total capacity of 1? tons* Our Schedule of Rates, effective September 1, 1951, aa approved by the Public Service Commission, provides as follow! Heretofore, your 'monthly bill of $16.^5 per month Included only $o*00 for refrigeration service, whereas based upon the above rates the charge for this service sh uld have been $27.50 per month, or a total monthly bill of $38*95. - ? '' •: Attached is our invoice for the balance due amounting to $180.00 for the period January 1, to and Including August 31, 1952* Will appreciate early remittance. Cooling Water for Refrigeration Machine - (a) One-half ton machine# or less #3.00 (b) Between ^ and 1-ton machine 3*50 (o) For each ton of Capacity, or fraotlon thereof over one ton 1.50 lours truly