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I agree.Mr. L. V. Peart - Omaha Following is a list of materials used and purchased during the month of September, 1953 to be credited and charged to M.O.H. accounts. Las Vegas - October 7* 1953 w 9-1-3 Charge MQH V-497 Union Hardware & Me Co. 15000 ft. 3/4" Type HK“ Copper Tubing © .3781 ft. 15*671.50 V-498 Mueller Co. Details 150 - 3/4“ H 10003 Corp Stops 150 - 3/4" H 10257 Curb Stops 300 - 3/4" 90° H 15475 Benda 400 - 3/4” 0-Iron H 15425 50 - 3/4" 45° H 15470 Bends 9 - 1 " 45° H 15470 Bends 4 - 14" H 10003 Corp Stops 3 - if" H 10257 Curb Stops 3 - l}" 90° H 15475 Bends 4 - lf« H 15425 C-Iron V-499 Mueller Co. 1 ea H 610 - 10"x6" Tapping V-516 Reliable Iron Foundry Draft #1015 Frt Charge $1,118.15 @1.47 ea 2 2 0 .5 0 ©1.7542 ea 2 6 3 . 1 3 # .96o4 ea 2 8 8 .12 © .6076 ea 243.04 @ .8428 ea 42.14 @1 . 3 7 2 ea @4.5472 ea 12.35 @3.9788 ea 18.19 11.94 @3.36l4 ea 1 0 .0 8 @2 .I65 ea 8 .6 6 Total 11,118.15 Sleeve © 81.34 81.34 98.78 4.43. 103.21 Details 1 ea 14* Split SIeeve(18“ long) 1 0 3 . 2 1 ¥-529 Reliable Iron Foundry Draft #1043 Frt cEarge 98.78 4.03 1 0 2 . 8 1 if 4 1 4m 1 ea 14" Split Sleeve 102.81 Charge W.O. 7o0 - Credit MQH 140 ft - 6 “ Cl Pipe ® 1.695 ft 237.30 2 ea - 6 " CX Solid Sleeve @ 8 . 7 8 ea 17.56 2 ea - 6 " CX Tees @21.60 ea 43.20 2 ea - 6 " 01 Gate Valves @52.075 ea 104.15 2 ea - Valve Boxes @20.2395 ea 40.48