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    Las Vegas Land and, Water Company Original Sheet p.B.C.N. Ho. JLL and nay refuse to serve until the consumer shall put such part ill good and safe condition and comply with all the laws, ordinances and i regulations applicable thereto. The Company does not assume the duty of Inspecting the consumer's service appliances or apparatus or any part thereof and assumes no liability therefor* 12. tree of XmoroperAtroaratus or Appliances - The Company may refuse to furnish water service to consumers using apparatus or appliances, the operation of which will be detrimental to the water servlet being furnished by the Company to its other consumers in the immediate vicinity or supplied from the same distribution system, and the Company may refuse to continue furnishing water to any con* turner who shall, after being notified by the Company to discontinue the use of water for such water apparatus or appliance, continues to use the same. IS. Wronse ffse of later «* Ho consumer without the Company* s consent shall provide water regularly to any person, company or cor­poration other than the occupant or occupants of the premises of said consumer, nor shall any consumer permit leaks or waste of water, 14. Honaompllanoe with Company's Holes - If the consumer should fall to comply with any of the Company's Buies and ftegnlatloaii from time to time in force, the Company shall have the right to dis­continue service to the consumer. 15. Re-Qonnectlon Service Charge - In the event service to any consumer shall be discontinued as provided herein, only duly authorised employees of the Company shall be permitted to reconnect Issued by Effective A.H. Folger general Manager