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I agree.SIS'. Water supply - Las Vegas.. 3» Mr. R. S. W ells, General Manager, B uilding. Lear S ir :- . I have your l e t t e r o f May 2nd.1910, and f i l e attach ed th ereto a l l hearing upon water supplied to the P a c ific F ru it Express Company at t h e ir Ic e plant/ a t Las Vegas. When the f i r s t ic e planji, afterw ards destroyed hy f i r e was b u ilt at Las Vegas by the Armjbur Car Lines, we in s ta lle d meters in the d e liv e r y and d is c h a rg e ^ H ^ s from the plant but they r e g is t e r ed so u n s a tis fa c to r ily that they were taken out and much la r g e r ones su bstitu ted. These la t t e r , however, y ield e d no more accurate re s u lts and i t was decided th at the head, some s ix or seven feet,w a s too low to actuate the meters as small p a r tic le s o f fo r e ig n s o lid s such as grass roots ca rrie d in th e water became entangled in the wheels o f the meters and stopped them,the head or pressure being in s u f f ic ie n t to overcome such s lig h t impediments. Large v°lumes o f water passing through meters can be measured as w e ll as small ones but whatever volume passing through must be under s u ffic ie n t head to operate the meter to determine the vo lume.