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    it L&s Vega® - January k 9 %9$0 w 5.5-1 Mr. I*. A. White: lour M&llgraa S-ffi December 30th, file S© 1-8 regarding division of charges to •General fie* pen®#®.* The item of 86>t.6o incurred In connection with water conservation program la applicable 100# to water operation®• The wage® and expenses of L, 1. Gardner, Checker, ie alec chargeable 100# to water operation®. Possibly & charge against water operation® should be set up for use of Water Company office, bat If this 1® done an off-setting charge should be made against operation of rowing house, covering water service, and in the past we have assumed that one merely off-set the other. X see no objection to setting tip a new account entitled “Other Expenses* In which to record expanses 100% chargeable to water operations, but charges to this account would be very rare, consist­ing, possibly of no more than annual advertising for water conversation and monthly charges for Checker, both of which could be applied to Maintenance of Water Mains with accompanying letter of explanation. With regard to equitable b&sis of apportion­ing charges to “General Expenses11: In the pas t we have considered ?6% of the charges to General Expenses applicable to Water Operations} 19% to Rooming House, and 5% to Lots and Lands. However since lessees remit direct to Omaha instead of passing rentals thru this office, 2% would be more representative of the charges applicable to “ L o t s and Lands*. The proportion of time devoted to water operations has increased because of the large number of additional services, and the present 76% should be increased to 88#, the remaining 10# being applicable tc Operation of Rooming House. w. h : x 5 1950 WM. R JAN 6 /A