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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    M A I L G R A M Los Angeles, March 25, 3-946 7334 Mr. w. C. Perkins: Referring to our previous correspondence, ending with your letter of January 22nd to Mr. Irish, oonoerning stock of second-hand transits pipe at Las Vegas, and to advice that I have this morning that you have instructed shipment to Pocatello of such material for which there is no immediate use: in the water field at Las Vegas. We are a publio utility in that community serving a population of some 2 5 *000, and, while I cannot foresee any early use for the pipe, with a 1 2 -month market for replacement, I think It is extremely dangerous to remove the entire stock from the premises. If It Is imperative that the stock be reduced, I urgently request that you do not remove more than one-half of this pipe with couplings to serve. 3-24 This is the only emergency pipe that we have on hand \ Prank Strong