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    Form approved MSm pUBUC V0UCHER F0R PURCHASES AND SERVICES OTHER THAN PERSONAL Comptroller General, XJ. S. D.O.Vou.No..............|............... "fendedAugust 15,mi) Office of Housing Expediter —-X--------------------------------------- U -jj Office of Rent Control GENERAL ACCOUNTING PAID BY OFFICE PREAUDIT (Department, bureau, or establishment) 1355 MARKET STREET Certified for payment in the Voucher prepared at ran Francisco c.auf. (Give place and date) sum of $ _ ...... _ THE UNITED STATES. Dr„ „ MS VEGAS LAI® ft WATER COMPAHX l o.._____:________________ _____ ___________ Comptroller General of the United States Las Vega.8, Address___________________:_____________________________________ By.................................................. Payee's Account No._____.................... (For use of Paying Office) Pursuant to authority vested in me, I certify that the above articles were received in good condition, after due inspection, acceptance, and delivery prior to payment as required bylaw, or the services were performed as stated; that they were procured under the contract numbered above or the unnumbered contract attached hereto, or that they were procured without written contract, in open market, and with or without advertising, under the circumstances stated in No._________—---------of “Method of or Absence of Advertising” shown on reverse hereof, and were necessary for the public service; and that the prices charged are just and reasonable and in accordance with the agreement. t Approved for $. (Sign original only) Title ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION (for completion by Administrative Office) Appropriation, limitation, or project symbol Appropriation title Limit’n or Proj't Amount Appropriation Amount Allotment symbol Amount Obligations liquidated COST ACCOUNT OBJECTIVE CLASSIFICATION Symbol Amount Symbol Amount {Check No.______________________dated____________________________, 19____, for $___________?___________________5--------f on Treasurer of the United States in favor of \ payee named above. Cash, $----------------------------—, on ...-------------------------------------, I9....,: Payee-----------------------------------------.. ...... .------------------------------------------ (Sign original only) * * When a voucher is signed or receipted in the name of a company or corporation, the name of the person writing the company or corporate name, as well as the eapacity in whioh he signs, must appear. For example: "John Doe Company, per John 8mith. Secretary", or “Treasurer", aa the case maybe. f If the ability to certify and authority to approve are combined in one person, one signature only is necessary; otherwise the approving omoer will sign in the blank space below "Approved-for 9..........and over his official title. II. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 16—22900 Perl.._____ Title