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«p . C* Jt* Caryl Coe L Mr. ««* i^» i# S* Snanedt *111 you please prepare agreement with s m & & Construction OoB^any of 821 Neat Bonaaxe Hoad, Leo Yogas. Nevada, cov«rlag installation mt water «*!«« 1» Southrldge Addition, Loo Yogas, Nevada, locational in following 1 . Coeaaeiioiiig at a oonaeotlen with existing 8* water aaln la South loth Street at K&saett Avenue; thonos continuing southerly la South 10th Street with «a 8* main approximately 2&0 feet to Canos&# thence continuing easterly la Caaosa with a #® aaln appraxinately H 5 0 feet to the southeasterly earner of Let 7, HLock 7 of said Tract, thence continuing at right angle northerly through Sleek 7 with an 8* naia aj^ro-dUtetely 850 foot to the northeast comer of Let 1 of said H o c k 7, th«nee at right angle westerly along the north line of said let 1 with an 8* main approximately loo feet to South 11th Street, thanes northerly la South 11th Surest with an 8* main approximately y#} feet to a connection with an existing 8* line in Qakey Usd* Then oaunenoiisg froa a aaimmUmm with the 8* aaln In Hook f referred to at the southeast earner of Lot 3 of said Hook 7# thaose westerly along south line of said Lot 3 with a 6* main approxttt&tflly 100 feet to a connection with an existing 6* aala in South 11th Street at the Interaction of hassett Orive* Consisting of 1180 feet of 8* and 1280 feet of 6* c a t Iron water main* Of taafal;, 2* Consideration - #3,100 plus actual cost 3. Bond 13,100. Other usual provisions* ham Yegaa * January 31, 19$l If 2 » 4 8 Mm Um Johnson