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Correspondence, Thomas Toland to Sadie George






This folder is from the "Correspondence" file of the Sadie and Hampton George Papers (MS-00434)

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man000307. Sadie and Hampton George Papers, 1874-1944. MS-00434. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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Hot. 2, 1918. Mrs. Sadie B. George, San Buis Obispo County, Arroyo Grande, Cal. Dear Madam*. Mr. Perkins has requested an extension o f f i f t e e n days on the option , saying that by the time the papers got to him h is time was too short and that i t would req u ire th at much time fo r the expert, rep re­senting the intended purchaser, to complete the exami­nation o f the property and the arrangements fo r tak in g i t over i f f i n a l l y approved. w r itte n the Bank extending the time on beh alf o f m yself and the Yentura people and assuming to do so fo r you, unless you take a d iffe r e n t course. I would thank you to w rite the Bank, saying th at the extension meets your approval, i f i t does. been to the East and to Im perial Y a lle y and, a lto g e th e r, my time has been so occupied as to lea ve me without much t o spare. The time being short, I have today While th is deal has been pending, I have Hope you are en joyin g good h ealth and happiness. Yours tr u ly , to t/i a Enc. I*o« C c f t f - S alif. JSor..cndt13X8* t»m angslsa frost S Bank, &»* California#* ti»ntioa Mr ? Christ aa-aso- € % s t l t » s : Kafstring to tho ftl# ooatmfning th* eh&rss of tirgin Biror -alt Co&pmny dsposltod with yms ponding salt and or option. wMofc tha instrootlon* st&to will axptra finally -n tii« sixth of tatstox foratsfeor.lfXS; I fesg to satlas that X m Inform* fey tfe* ownars of aimroo who mmMm at £t* thoaaa thst bhoy bora eonosntod to a f If toon Cay oxtonsion to aaA Inolailnf Bvtmv&or turn fcy~first.1918 for tfes final oxpirot ton of tbs option. I bog to vogaoat on ry own feahalf and on feaholf of Mn, fedit *• Osorfa# olio to iif client m i who« 1 an adrielBg In this aattar. aad also qb feahalf of ifes shsros p ro m o te * fey tha Mo Sonlglae maid th# Heals* aaS alao on feahalf of tha shares hypoihs* eotod to Gillian Wo Sutra fey fjrpfta®., Gantry k fyphns* wfetofe lost hypothecated shares nor# deposited with yon fey styself as rapra** sent tug Ee 'Coir*, that yon Hold a ll of tho shares of stock whiofe fears %##.« deposited with ydn la this f i l s until m * ineXeiisg Moasifea* tws»ty*flrat^i»t thereafter also not II they shell fee apoalally ro^feostad fey tho partiss entitled t# taka then down. In explanation of tklw notion. 1 bag to say that it boo daraloped that tho tlise originally giron for tfeo m m im t im of the proparty and carrying oat tbs option ban prored to fea too abort and tho stockholders wishing to afford a fair opportunity to tha intending purchaser desire to oxtail tbs- tiisse mo at®tad• I w ill mourn tor yon ratifioation of this extension fey mil parties who do not writs yon personally naklsg snob extension. S8$-C3£ Mrs. c/o Mrs*, w. H. Wear. Sadie B. George, San Buis Obispo County, Arroyo Grande, Cal. November 25, 1918 Mrs. Sadie B. George, Care W. H. Wear, Arroyo Grande, R. D. San Luis Obispo, C al. Dear Madam: from L e v i Syphus saying th at John P. Perkins has requested an exten sion o f th ir ty days on the s a lt option fo r th® reason th at the people w ith whom he was expectin g to place the property have been in te r fe re d w ith by in flu en za . The St Thomas-people have agreed t o extend fo r t h ir t y days provided that f>250.00 is deposited w ith Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank on or b efo re December 2nd, 1918, to be fo r f e it e d i f the option is not ek ercised . The St Thomas people e v id e n tly are v e ry anxious to have the option extended and I have concluded th at so fa r as I am concerned I w i l l grant the exten sion. I have talk ed with Dr. Heel on the subject and he is a greeab le. I w i l l t a lk w ith young Mr. McGonigle today and am w r itin g to h is fa th e r . Los Angeles Trust and Savings Bank saying ithat the option is extended on your 250 shares o f stock to and in clu d in g December 21st, 1918, on condition that the option fo ld e r , John P. Perkins, deposits $250.00 w ith the bank on or before December 2, 1918, the same to be fo r fe it e d to the stockholders i f the option is not exercised on or b efore December 21st, 1918. I have just rec eived a l e t t e r dated the 21st i n s t . I f i t meets your approval please w rite a l e t t e r to TOT-H Z M ^ •- r» fSs&Agf itretetf / ^ % \ U NOV25 O] IQjS-PM^' ss J* « § j i ; ,rr°' ft Sadie B. George IfS \ * O a r fV : I I i i i . A. ear, Arroyo Grande, ?ftr ?!).