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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, December 8, 1959 to February 17, 1960, lvc000012-49


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    record as favoring the purchase, in the event the proposed meeting produced the anticipated result. Attorney Adams inquired if the rezoning for limited commercial could be handled in the same transaction and City Attorney Cory stated it could be; that it would depend on how fast the Planning Department could act on the rezoning. Attorney Adams then indicated some doubt that it could be handled in one transaction, mentioning that the legal notices would have to out on the rezoning. At this point Commissioner Fountain stated he thought it only fair to inform Mr. Adams that the Commission would advise what they would do with the property at the time they purchased it. Commissioner Sharp said he would go along with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Dr. McMillan inquired if a representative from the affected area would be able to attend the proposed meeting, adding that it seemed "everyone in Bonanza Village is determined to keep the negroes out of this." Commissioner Whipple informed Dr. McMillan that this would be a public meeting which anyone in Las Vegas could attend. Mrs. Longo again stated it would be good only for commercial purposes. Commissioner Whipple moved that the request for rezoning by the Housing Authority be held in abeyance and that a meeting be set up between the Housing Authority, the City Commission, the Planning Commission, representatives of the groups present and that this be a public meeting which anyone might attend. Motion seconded by Commissioner Elwell and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Elwell, Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor, Mayor Gragson, voting aye; noes, none. Commissioner Sharp inquired of Attorney Adams if he represented all the protestants present and Mr. Adams replied in the affirmative. His Honor, Mayor Gragson, stated the public meeting would be held on Wednesday, January 27th, at 7:30 P.M., between the Planning Commission, the Housing Authority, the Board of City Commissioners, all the people present and anyone else who wished to attend. -0O0- At the hour of 8:30 P.M. this meeting was recessed and reconvened at the hour of 8:50 P.M., with all members present as of the opening session. -0O0- Planning Director Bills informed the Board that some time ago the Board approved a house moving permit for a Mr. Murray Sanders. Mr. Bills stated this arrangement had required considerable study, since it was a rather sensitive location; that it came within the ordinance area which required a minimum of 85O square feet of floor area and the property line of Mr. Murray Sanders was coterminus with the redevelopment project area, so particular care was given to this matter. An agreement had been prepared which required Mr. and Mrs. Sanders to make an addition to this house within six months to bring it into the 850' classification; further, that work on this addition was to commence within 30 days. This agreement was thoroughly explained to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders, after which it was signed by them and notarized. A plot plan was attached to the agreement (which had been prepared by the Planning and Building Departments) and this, also, was explained to Mr. and Mrs. Sanders and they were informed that construction would have to be in accordance with the plot plan, as stated in the agreement. Mr. Bills continued by stating that the zoning in this particular area is R-E, which requires a 50' setback from the street line. After approval was given by the Board, the building was moved, located on the property, plumbing was installed and then it was discovered that the building was only 25' back from the street line. Mr. Bills said he had been informed it would cost $2500.00 to move the building back 25' and, although he did not condone the situation and did not condone the situation within his own organization, which resulted in this technical violation of the Zoning Code, it appeared in this case it could be condoned and not have anyone hurt, as it would not be in violation when the area is rezoned. He added that perhaps the City Attorney would prefer that no action be taken. City Attorney Cory stated he was not going to proceed against Mr. and Mrs. Sanders for strict enforcement at this time. Planning Director Bills stated if the Board had no objection, he would be glad to request the Building Department to remove the tag which had been placed on the building. City Attorney Cory advised no motion would be necessary to have the tag removed and Mr. Bills stated he just wanted to bring the matter to the attention of the Board, in order that they might be acquainted with the facts. 1-20-60 HOUSE MOVING Murray Sanders Report