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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    fir o f Y State of Nevada ' OFFICE OF STATS ENGINEER Carson City January 16th, 1940 Honorable Mayor ahd City Comaisaionars City of Las Yogas, Las Yogas, Nevada, Gentlemen? Subject? The Las Yogas Artesian Basin. X am seriously concerned about the lowering of the hydrostatic pressure in the Las Yogas Artesian basin and a flagrant waste of water there. Z feel that this should be a stutter of grave concern to the people there because your water supply is one of your greatest assets and the Maintenance of your present supply is essential to the future growth and welfare of Las Yegas and the surrounding areas. It is a law of nature that when the demand on underground artea- ian water exceeds the repleniehaent that the hydrostatic pressure drops until the water ceases to flow to the surface, then t h is happens pumps sust be installed to supply the demand, In the Las Ysgaa area, this would have a bearing on your water rates. Many of ths beautiful oases that surround Las Yegas and depend on the artesian water laok of water. flow would dry up for Unfortunately the history of most artesian basins is that they gradually cease to be flowing basins due to waste of water from unoontrollet wells. Those basins that have maintained their hydrostatic pressures, not many is number, have done so due to the exercise of control measures and the elimination .of waste. At the present time, in our Judgment, there is in excess of two million gallons of water a day absolute loss from the Las Yegas artsslan basin dus to lack of control valves and poor casings in walls. Vs believe that our work there during the past few months has resulted in a savlig of at least 300,000 gallons a day* Ve find, however, that we need assistance to further this conservation work and get substantial results without too much delay. Our thought is that If the City, County and water company oouli eseh contribute monthly an amount of money to pay for a man's wages for ons day it would give us ths benefit of three additional days there per month. At the present time the Colorado River Commission is paying Harry Jameson $10 each month for one day's time and the use of his car. This time isused