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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas ~ June 22, 19$b W 26 Mr. R« M, Sutton - Omaha oc? Mr. $&* Reinhardt Mr. 1. 1. Bennett Mr. 0. M. Bates Please refer to your letter of May 21, 195**# file VOfc-36, advising that you were forwarding to me, under separate cover % Railway Express, the original documents to be delivered to the histriot on the Sale Bate pursuant to provisions of Exhibit *0“ of agreement with the Water District dated June 1, 1953. The Express package containing the above mentioned documents was received and the documents checked with the list attached to your letter. In checking these documents I find the following corrections which should be made in the list? Audit Number 5232 - Add page number 205 making page number of Recording Bata read 206-205. Audit Niaaber 5271 - Add page number 262 making page number of Recording Bata read 281-282. Audit Humber 5286 - Add page number making page number of Recording Bata read if55-456. u Audit Number 532k - Add page number 321 making page number of Recording Bata read 322-321. With the exception of the above corrections the data shown in your list of documents to be furnished checks with the documents sent me. Referring to the fourth paragraph of your letter of Kay 2 1, 1 am now making an investigation to determine whether there are any construction contracts which you should forward to me for delivery to the District as per Item 1(b), Exhibit *0®. LWteJp L. R. Maag