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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1*08 A ngel68, June 16, 19*9. 1-733 Mr. A. 1, Stoddard* ** Inferring to your lottor of Auto 1**, fllo 199, regarding clipping from the Los Angeles Solly lows to the offset that * contract had been signed by the Las Topis Tatar District with a Chicago engineering firm for the eon” struction of a 30-mile aqueduct from Lake Mead* this novo item, which 1 did not see, was quite incorrect. The Los Vegas Hater District has made am arrsngsment with the Chicago engineer­ing firm of Creeley and Hansen to make an engineering study of the feasi­bility and cost of bringing water to Las Togas from Lake Mead, but no eon-tracts of say nature haring to do with construction on this project hare been made. To bring you up to date on this matter, we hare had a request from Mr, Harry Miller, President of the Water District, for the following information i 1. Map of distribution system. 2. Bate schedule. 3. Classification of consumers. U. Logs of wells, description of pusping units, etc. 5. Master meter readings, 1940/19*3. 6 . Copy of Annual Report to Public fe r r ie s Commission. •*> 77<'iJs ' • m this data it being compiled and will be dellrered to the Water '.V- ? District representatire ae soon as the well logs hare been completed. I gather from conversations } hare had with Mr. Tom Campbell and Mr. fla Cashmaa, who are on the Board of Directors of the District, that as soon ae they hare the report from the engineers they would like to here an informal discussion of this matter with us. I can see no objection to haring