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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    REPORT OF THE CURATOR OF ARCHAEOLOGY FOR THE MONTH OF MAY, 1963 During May much of the tim was spent analyzing the cordage from Falcon Hill and answering correspondence. In addition, I attended the meetings of the Society for American Archaeology in Boulder, Colorado, with Dick Shutler and participated in the symposium on Tule Springs by giving a paper. Other work included sorting out the bone and stone chip#s from Deer Creek Cave, taking Warren d ’Azevado and others of the University of Nevada on a tour of the museum, talking to Tom Eilers about his archaeological finds one Saturday, and helping Doris classify stone work. I also prepared and gave a talk to the Carson City branch of the American Association of University Women (which received publicity in the Nevada AppJealJ I went with Dick Shutler to Elko and helped in the archaeological survey of the Bishop Creek Resevoir, continued on to Baker visiting the Lehman Caves National Monument (where work is to be done in the Fall) and other sites in the area, then to Ely where Dick gave a talk to the local gem and mineral society (this was announced in the local paper).