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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V Las -tegas Mobning Sun LAS VEGAS, N EVADA, TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1951 W afer District, CRC Working On Still A nother Contract 1 Representatives of the Colorado River Commission and! the Las Vegas Valley W ater District-spent all day yesterday | working over a revised contract fo r water from Henderson, and reported progress which is expected to result in a finished product sometime today. j ~~----- — I The three men who spent the : day on the contract were A lan; Bible, assistant attorney general | assigned to the river commission; 3 Frank Strong, CRC member, and j Frank Hamilton, a bonding at- ‘ torney from the firm of O’Mel-veny and Myers, with whom the j district has been consulting on their bond problem. 1 The conferees yesterday ; | phoned John Mueller, Nevada s representative for the federal j General Services administration, j and tentatively arranged for a • meeting with him in Reno later j in the week, to see if he will in- j dicate his acceptance of the con- j tract now being drawn up. Mueller verbally approved the j figure of $500,000 which the dis- j trict has now offered for the > Lake Mead pipeline and Hender­son water facilities, and under! last week’s letter from Mueller’s ; chief, : Jess Larson, to Gov. Charles Russell, Mueller has the authority to approve the con-; tract, _ but not on conclude final { negotiations for the government, f Larson also required that the | CRC prepare a plan.for disposal' of the plant to private industry, I before the water contract will be approved, and BMI plant man­ager Julian Moore is working on ? this project. A tentative agreement whereby the district will pay $500,000 for the facilities was reached Sun­day afternoon at a special meet­ing of the CRC and the district, held at the offices of the Las Vegas chamber of commerce. Governor Russell reiterated the intention of the river com­mission to press for the' earliest possible approval of the contract by the government, and said he will summon the commission into emergency session as soon as the contract is ready for their ap­proval. He further said it is the inten- / tion of the CRC to send represen­tatives to Washington with the next contract, to facilitate its ac­ceptance by the federal agency,