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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    The tegular sai»l meeting of the stockholders of the Las Yoga© land and Water Oompany waa held* pursuant to the by-laws, la the principal of flee of the company, B o o m 523 P a d fie Electric Building) toe Angeles, California) at eleven o'clock 4.1. f Monday, the 10 th dap of Moveoibey, 1930* On motion duly made) seconded and carried, A. S. Hals ted was eleoted Chairmen, and C. H. Bloom elected Secretary of the meeting) each accenting hit office in discharging the duties until the close of the meeting. secretary stated that written notice of the meeting had been given to each of the stockholders at least ten days in advance. On motion duly made, seconded and carried) 0. 0. Barry was elected Inspector to open and close the pells* receive and take all ballots and proxies) and decide all questions touching upon the qualifications of vetsrs« validity of proxies and accept­ance or rejection of votes at the meeting. Chairman ascertained those present and desiring to par* tieip&te in the meeting) and requested that all holders of proxies to hand them In; whereupon such proxies were deposited with the Inspector) who reported that the following shares of stock were represented at the meeting) to-witi A# % hoisted end Proxies for c. 0* Barry Salt lake Ra tioler oaAdn gCeolmasp aAny 408 shares 0JL. es.* BHealrrayted and Proxies for 0. R» dray 1 » A. ms Hoisted Proxy for F. H. Knickerbocker | it a. H. Bloom Proxy for falter St, Bracken i • 0* C. Barry Proxy for 8* 1* Mam son i | A. Hoisted In per son | « ?0. o. Barry 1m person 2 « Inspector reported that he had examined proxies presented and found them to be regular la form and duly executed by said parties respectively, stating there were present, or represented, 500 shares, which were the total issued end outstanding shares of the capital stock of this corporation. Chairman thereupon