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IA S VEGAS LARD AND HATER COMPANY Statement shotting amount due for Water Production, Storage and Distribution System of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company at Las Vegas, Nevada, as determined in accordance with provisions of Contract Audit No* 10682, dated June 1, 1953 Calculations as of January 31, 195U Basic purchase price per Section 8 of contract $2,500,000*00 'V PLUS ITEMS TO BE ADDED* Additions and Betterments, as provided in Sections 9(*0# 9(b) and 9(o) of contract, per details shown on Supplementary Statement No* 1 attached* Sec*9(a) Payments made and cost of material furnished by L.V.L.& W*Co* to contractors for work performed during the period, September 1, 1952 to and including January 31. 195U. for the construction of additions and betterments to and extensions of the -water facilities $ 60,866*52 Sec*9(b) Cost of labor and material and other amounts expended by L.V.L*& W*Co* during period September 1, 1952 to and including January 31* 195U* for the construction of additions and betterments to and extensions of the water facilities 77WA Sec*9(c) Amount charged to investment account by L*V*L*& W*Co* during the period September 1, 1952 to and including January 51* 195k* for additions and betterments to or extensions of its water facilities constructed by others under contracts made pursuant to Rule 9 of the L.V.L*& W*Co* on file with the Public Service Commission of the State of Nevada and conveyed by said others to the L*7*L*& W.Co* 366,725*50 Balance as of January 31* 195k* per Sec* 9(®)* in Account 113, ttAccounts Receivablett on the books of the L.V.L.& W.Co*, representing uncollected water service accruals per detail on copy of Pom 26, "Monthly Report of Water Service Accounts - Las Vegas Office" attached* (Does not include charges of $292*20 due L*V* L.& W.Co. from customers, covering water for refrigeration and air conditioning which may not be added unlesseonsented thereto by the District, in escrow) i|O,lj62.06 Total Additions to basic purchase price Total basic purchase price including additions as provided under Seo* 9 of contract i|68,828.j|9 $2,968 828J+9