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Mr# Gory • I^sge 02 * / corner of the said conveyed parcel; thence north 62°15* ? West a distance of 160*00 foot to the true point of beginning. 2* Stoat portion of the ftorftoveot Quarter 1 of the Southeast Quacrter (SHI) of Seetioa 2?, Township 20 Sooth, H&nge 61 East, H*D*, described as follows; GQt#l!HEGXii& at felt# point of intersection of the seat line of horth Main Street (06 feet wide) with the north line of the Southeast Quarter |§S§) of said Section 27$ thence South 2?®h5# west along the said East line m distance of 103*00 feet to the point of beginnings thence continuing South 27°65* west along the t&id Hast line a distance of 50#0(3 feet to a point; thence South 62°15* S&st a distance of l6o#00 feet to a point; thence north 27°^5* ? Seat a distance of 50*00 feet to a point; thence north 62°15* West a distance of 16O#O0 feet to the true point of beginning* 3* That portion of the'Southeast Quarter (SSI) of Section 27, Township 20 South, Rang© 61 last, described as follows; Q^MnWQlMl at the interaction of the latterly line of north Main Street as said street now exists S§ feet In width with the forth line of the Southeast Quarter (Sfo) of Section 27, (said point of Intersection being rmrked by a concrete monwamt) thence South 27°h5* West along the East line of said forth Main street a distance of 53 feet to a. point; thence South 62°15* Bast a distance of 160 feet to a point; thence north 27°h5* fast a distsnos of lbl*8y fmt to a point on the forth line of the Southeast Quarter (Sit) of said Section iff thence lest along the north line of the Southeast Quarter (SEt) of said Section 27 a distance of 183*02 feet to the point of beginning. &»•# R. Haag LKHtrr