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    .1 Avrrsx •MW.fe^iaxKicr ycoebpec, ppxa \C\ fsd OX BojxBoaiV^. 1922* <£<gGGBepaBrA yixnrax ja p gaA ox foepBmrB’A ' 1982* jp &ppw©»a ^jgigsqx ippb aaaxSira©w> jsgaa pe©fr ex&arr^&q PPP© GPpipjGg pO BGG6XA8 JjilLBffSffllf p0 PP© »^QJ.68ff^. fS I,6 e ie B f'* • • arjj i,e^aiii(fB ox ju©a ©ujj© wjipop ppg nugeBapSueg cofcboLff^jou jp© /,ojjoX /^apex. ppapBpep' ox, sx/.P@X t>X fP'6!«' P® I>aX f o g^Ja m M* qoiA gxB6Gp8 #0e .-j^sra' xe.Saa, .ipatf-g srttq ftap6i. .comfesroX »wq ppe paa j\.es!®a /©Saal aug pjjo niKjGB8xSjj©cj ooBhojusrppo.t> p cbgj>A snippOBpsea ang ox wsrpe*. JTMG8 ip riXgo yn& 3«P9TAgagow % 5 ru pie gt^ ®x P®8 awg pp© paa ^eSaa paug axig j^ap sb QOBJbauX' pp© xw sp ajjapxou ppo 30XP q a l ox gitii©' 1683' pep«©©w pp® migoBaxSoeg coBboBappou CGBpaxp aSBOGiBOHx xqeirp'jx ?og aa K *r*D * S€?8J' Y^gi.-P '/° “ 10X00 ®fsrl’e5l ox BGAeuxis' aa bBOAxgeq pu aeop jou j * ox in-piop© I I ° l £P3.-P CGBpapt? bsxiejq-8 ox ASiJfio apg ppo , T.pSpp po bgggpag a nop BGXMuq© K* COHA' 9J J °I. T4?a Bpftpp' p-ppje-• ®uq- gwpGB©8p xu aog po ppoao aug go-os pGBGpX a e j j * a a a x tu ' pBauax®** ®w<J aep oag*.- xropo xflTAIH _ BecGXbp ox Apjcjx xa pegepA acKMo&j©qS©q' paa e o jq aug aaaxSweg (| l0 * 0 0 ) .po pp pu pawg b a xg' aug oppeu A a jo a p jo couajq©BapTou\ PP© COGboBappour* x®1* PP GOJxaxgGBappoJi ®x pp.© anw o{, l 6 » pojpax.a vaaic/?iisax