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    Mr. W. J. FOX . g . A. Cunningham . w. X* Kennedy . M. C. Haber R w*«ry u. m s ? ®-i&91b »c a -i lift 20-22 DA 29-1-8 Regional Health Director O.s* Public Health service F e d e r a l B u i l d i n g SB M t m street sen Francisco, California 94102 attention* lRietg. iRoongaelr m Bt*e rh eSnupply Consultant) Please refer to your letter of deanery 21 to Mr. Heberts regarding certification of water placed on railroad conveyances from proprietary supplies at Bast bee Angelas and Fens©, California Interstate Carrier watering Points. miter placed on conveyances at Helen Pacific's Bast bos Angeles Coach yard comes from few© railroad-owned wells supplemented, as the need arise®, by water iron an outside, private water company. For many years, representative* @1 the bos Angeles county Health department have taken samples twice monthly frost both the wells and the diafcributiem system at Bast bos Angeles and reports on the bacteriological enaminatien of these samples are on file at oar California Division superintendent's office. (Bee attachment), Chemical and physical analyse* are completed periodically in Union Pacific's own laboratory hers at Deaha, procedures followed being those outlined in the 11th edition, s m d &rd mmapB for in s m m v iQ R gf mum ann we have been under the impression that you also received copies of reports from the county and that they con­stituted the principal basis for certifying the water supplied for Interstate Carrier use at Bast bos Angeles. sine# the railroad is not in position to maintain Dear Sirs