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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - October 21, 1953 w 23-1 - 12 9 Pardee-Phillips Construction Co. 10639 Santa Monica Boulevard Los Angelas 25, California Gentlemen* In accordance with conversation this data with Mr. George Pardee, it is understood and agreed that, subject to approval by executives of the Water Company, the amount of $3 5 ,0 5 7 .0 0 la satisfactory to you as representing tha total agreed upon refund which will ba provided under tha terms of our usual form of Agreement covering water main extensions to serve Francisco Park* Las Vegas, Kev&da, and which includes an 8" oast iron pipe line from proposed connection to existing 8 W water main in Canosa Avenue between 11th Street and Maryland Parkway to a connection with pip# line proposed by you in St. Louis Street in Maryland Parkway. Vary truly yours, LRMirr L. R. M&ag Understood and agreed this ...... ......-day of 1953. PARDEE-PHILLIPS CONSTRUCTION CO.