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hum tog** » doptonbor IS# 1753 Mr* t h m m b* o*®pb#ll S IVX»XXf SltelMaJ*.,. Sonrd of birootoro V 26 U s fig#* f&lX«y tu to r iU s trie i 135 South %fh ttroot »-#.« Vtg&a, !£oo*da bcc: Mr. Win. Reinhardt lour Mr* C«spb*Xl i Pleas*# refer to ay lo tto r of July 25# Xf3 3 # requesting «pprow#! of «Kton*fc«n of w t t r m & m of tho La* V tfs* l*#M oasd fent«* So».p«iSf to ooro# Moor# liiM i vision Us* as an attafftfaOMmt to i » above mentioned letter, t fnmlsihtA ysu With two sop-1## Of our drawing 1-128, showing losation of |prspMOd sip* lint* together with lllpi# m p t m of # « Pota&l of Ssttnotod kssp»hdlior*e showing th# ostinstod ©oot and ooiiditioh* ORd*f which o#i& wator fafeina would b@ ooaotnaotod* S © f « m n g to tho &*t»U of ftst&asttA Xxp«ndlt«rMi furnish*# with m letter, yon will not* that th* ©on<ion* m&*r whloh mmtmr sm%m would b* soitstnsotod provided &nong other thing* subject %a on©©titlw© syprovsl. and. upon e^eontloii of $gr©#n#§it, th# bubdlwldor would dooooit *» «£k0Uii« of 183,780.00 to s o w th* ©««t of worts pin* £jjp for br*rii*»4 and #ttponri#lo*i *nd mlm th*t» oiKhjoot to O M W t l t n •©rvossA* th* hntsr ItanpsMar would fe©sr th# diff©r©na© in mm% of ©oiMitrtssting 2730 I# of Id* sod * llfc* aaount of th* It* do*t lro» Pin#, vhtofe'vfc© ««r**d to fcs |b #?h#.<K§* M o r th«## ©auditions* th* w m m t to bo refunded on th# bool* of 35# of ronm-mo rtc#iv#d by th* l u t i f 3«Kp*!ty b w >:?:: period of ton your# would bo boost upon th# *©tu*l aoot of tfco projoot, «®©X*t#iw# of firs hydrant th * Brother® arts now roqpoiibtfsg tb*>t§ in ©r&hr to mvoid nobing th* dope*it o f $6?»7B0«00, th* wnt«r line# bo ooMtaKt**. on th* b»*l* of priwat© ®o»trt*©t at th eir own «op«i*##, it*® |o*7o9#00 to bo borao I f th® fe to r Oou^rany to eowor th# diffortnoo in boot o f X** i f i f 12* pip® »ostl©ft#d ateow®.