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upr000177 447


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    * February 20# 1950 Mr# H. ¥. Lindsey (hOifornia-Paelfle 13ft 111 ties Co# WlnneKUOOa, Mevada De&r Hr# Lindsey: Ttm fate usat? which w* art now operating tea# been IfpU la effect siaoe and we ere planning to aete the Public aervioe Coraslaalan for permission to amend ithmem rtaatmes& vto permit a reasonable return m It la iay understanding that your eosQHuagr asked for and received s elsilar iaere&ae m 19*i8 under the Coasisaion,a Gass # Ud5« If you have a oopy of the opinion Issued in that a&se, and it Is etv- tlrely oonsiatend with your regulations, will appreciate it very smote if you sen favor no vitte a oopy of the opinion wtelote would be of considerable interest in our ease* Shanking you for your consider­ation, X as, Very truly yours, A. M. Folger