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I agree.*>3— January 31, 1946 w.o. Desorlotion J B I 8* 6* 516 Stewart St. & Clark St. 5833* 1116* 73* 519 Biltmore Annex Ho. 3 1306* -^-533 Charleston Sqpare 270* 3413* 531 Vega Verde Ho. 3 4140* Extension to C. Huffey, Mo. Main 164* • "ttXBCT m s r ifTSir 13761* 9. Reservoirst One* enclosed cement construction, with wooden top. Qapaolty 3,500,000 gallons. A ii0 f)S°°,'j vo 10, Purification Systems | r-7?W^^*£r 5 | \ [ k> I Two settling basins, capacity 12 million gallons pa; day. Important changes during the years Effective May 1, 1945, LVL&W Co, took over operation of pipe lines In Boulder Addition South of Charleston Blvd., formerly served toy Boulder Syndicate, installing 13* and 8* feeder lines to provide adequate service to consumers In that suto-division. Well Ho. 11 was drilled to a depth of @40 ft. in September 1945, producing a flow of 3.3 second feet. This well will toe conneoted to a new settling toasln, reservoir, booster plant and 24 inch oast^lron transmission main on Charleston Blvd. as soon as these new facilities are completed in 1946. yalue of Material Carried In *M0H* Aooount Water Mains $3308.35 WALTER R. BRACKEN Ties President