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NAME DEPARTMENT STEP SCHEDULE DOLIARS Green, Billy J. Fire 1-2 29 447-468 Tullis, Donald K. Fire 3-4 29 489-513 Gudeman, Ray R. Fire 1-2 27 407-427 Lanyon, Raymond P. Fire 1-2 27 407-427 Sandoval, Vincent Fire 1-2 27 407-427 Cobb, Walter Park 4-5 18 308-323 Wright, Clyde Park 4-5 18 308-323 Addison, Clarence Golf Course 2-3 22 338-353 Walker, Leila P.W. - Engineering 2-3 18 282-295 Dobbins, James P.W. - Sewage Disposal 1-2 23 338-353 Heenan, Robert E. P.W. - Sewage Disposal 1-2 23 338-353 Southerland, Charles P. W.- Street 3-4 30 513-537 Hunt, Charlie P.W. - Street 3-4 25 407-427 Bishop, Floyd Sr. P.W. - Street 4-5 22 370-388 Haynie, Eugene P.W. - Street 4-5 22 370-388 Goodrich, Harold F. P.W. - Street 4-5 21 353-370 Knight, Robert R. P.W. - Street 4-5 21 353-370 Kerr, Gerald E. Recreation 3-4 22 353-370 Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. PRISONER RELEASE Commissioner Fountain moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign necessary papers releasing Stanley Gurr Stanley Gurr, M #17411, from City Jail, based on the recommendation of Dr. James H. Swartzfager, Jr., Jail Physician. Approved Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. NOTICE OF CLAIM The Commission considered the claim of Karl A. and Jacqueline Bertelson for the alleged wrongful Karl A. & Jacqueline death of Gerald Lee Bertelson due to the neglect of the City of Las Vegas. Bertelson Commissioner Whipple moved that the claim of Karl A. and Jacqueline Bertelson for the alleged Denied wrongful death of Gerald Lee Bertelson due to the neglect of the City of Las Vegas be denied. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sharp and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. RETAINING WALL AT The Commission considered the request of the Public Works Department for approval of Purchase HADLAND PARK Requisition No. 5586 to Fencing, Inc., 3114 East Charleston Blvd., for construction of retaining wall at Hadland Park in the amount of $4,670.40 which was the lowest bid received from informal Purchase Requisition invitations opened May 5, 1959. Approved Commissioner Sharp moved that Purchase Requisition No. 5586 to Fencing, Inc., for construction of retaining wall at Hadland Park in the amount of $4,670.40 be approved. Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. BRUCE STREET DRAINAGE Commissioner Fountain moved that Purchase Requisition No. 5577 to the L. S. Whaley Co. in the STRUCTURE amount of $6,479.50 for the City's participation in one-half of the cost of the construction of the Bruce Street Drainage Structure as requested by the Public Works Department be approved. Purchase Requisition Motion seconded by Commissioner Whipple and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Approved Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. FOREMASTER LANE PAVING Commissioner Sharp moved that Purchase Requisition No. 5579 to H. W. Polk in the amount of $1,377.00 for the paving of 1200 feet on Foremaster Lane adjacent to the Cemetery as requested Purchase Requisition by the Public Works Department be approved. Approved Motion seconded by Commissioner Fountain and carried by the following vote: Commissioners Fountain, Sharp, Whipple and His Honor voting aye; noes, none. PACKAGE LIQUOR The Commission again considered the application of Joseph Julian for a package liquor license at APPLICATION the Joe Julian Liquor Store, 2400 South 5th Street. This application was held in abeyance at the Joe Julian Liquor Store last meeting of the Board of City Commissioners held April 15, 1959. Held in Abeyance Planning Director Bills stated that in regard to the definition of a "Shopping Center" he did not know of any immediately available authorization for saying something is, or is not, a "Shopping Center" as such. He added that he would not consider this area a shopping center and would want to research it further before making a concrete statement to that effect. Commissioner Sharp referred to a resolution of some years ago that would allow shopping centers in outlying areas that serve large residential areas to be issued package liquor licenses. These centers to serve an area of approximately a mile radius and enable them to do their shopping without going down town. Commissioner Whipple also referred to such a resolution and stated he believed this application might come under this resolution. City Attorney Cory asked approximately when this resolution was adopted and Commissioner Sharp stated that he believed it was in year 1953 or 1954. The Supervisor of License and Revenue, Jean Dutton, stated that he had researched the City Commission Minutes from 1954 to 1959 and could not find where this resolution had been adopted. His Honor Mayor Baker asked if anyone present interested in this application would like to speak. Myer Cohen addressed the Board stating that he was building the San Francisco Square Shopping Center and presented the plan to the Commission. He stated it will cover 35,000 sq. ft.; that there would be 21 stores and a supermarket with 72,000 sq. ft. of parking area. He added that there is a need for a shopping center in the area consisting of some 5,500 people living there and San Francisco Square would be very convenient for them to buy most anything they might need and that they should be able to buy their liquor there. He stated further that there is a 15' sidewalk and that the Planning Commission is going to allow a 5' sidewalk and that thereby additional parking could be provided. 5-6-59