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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ' Los Angeles, April £1, 1952 1-7334 Mr• E« E* Bennett - Los Angeles (CC -Mr. Wai, Reinhardt MX*. W« H* Hulsizer Mr. R* M. Sutton Mr. V. W. Smith Mr. C. M. Bates) VVM- f'- jVPR 2 2 I 952 Referring to your letter to Mr. Reinhardt, dated April 7, 1952, file 4705-11-22/4787-11-104, relative to re­vised estimate for calendar year 1952 covering management expense, which figures you desire to use in the Court ease against the Nevada Public Service Commission to set aside Its Order of August 24, 1951, granting an Insufficient in­crease In water rates to LVL&SOo, at Las Vegas, Nevada: The following are figures requested, covering ex­penses of Industrial Development Department j For Exhibit *K" ~ uFKirl charge to LVL$BCo. Industrial Engineer & Assistanti Proportion of salaries, Expenses, Office forcet l^oportlon of salaries, For Exhibit *HB ffiSi charge to Production Facilities: Industrial Engineer & Assistant: Proportion of salaries, Expenses, Office force t Proportion of salaries, A. 0. Ritter Estimate for 1952 $ 317 211 858 #770 230 565 11565 ifsM, * ;'cS! p -O O .:h ^ ^ .-U ' ?S’ /O j/