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    3H (Sources - IAS W t f LAID H D W A » COMP AIT Water Department Las Vegas, Nevada Statist lea relating to l o m t i n t sad roaulta of operation, accounting records and annual reports to the levaia Public Service Coamission) J& 1938 fa lle n s o f voter sold Wustber o f cuatssisrs Average emstoaer daily eonsoaptloa (Sals) C ity population - (1930 and 19*0 Census, ethers estlaated) Per eaplta d aily consumption (C a ls .) u n a r m non waixr s a l e s : Ceaaerelal In d u strial, including ? laeellaneoua total revenue l i m n pxi 1000 callows QPXKATIIC 1ZPXXSXS aid TAXISt Maintenance of voter aainst lepairs and slier renewals placeaeats sad renewals under work orders Total maintenance Ceneral and adainistratlve expenses Pent paid to TJdfili and QPlfi for pipe lines and water Depreciation charges ..flStt__________________________ _ __________ Total operation expenses and taxes 650,00?-2£ 756,91?*2 ? 876,933* S 907,1|5I * $ 886.8io.6of 93w.702.963 1 .036.1*3.300 96s.071.100 1 ,217, *10,000 l.fcdh,1.397 687,800 926,575.3*7 l,l*i 5.165 309 29,«97 $ *6] .0522 2. *56 t M 16s,.83010* 1.213 ? 3.756 1.590 1,120 5.700 312 1,801 1.151 **,*80 $ 6.*fr 1.7S7. 1,2*8 7.000 319 *6*..2597b7 I 50.871 1.883 1.276 *6,980 $ *. 51-705 1,886 1.318 7.700 323 *7.630 $ .*,036 51. 1.935 1.256 7.700 316 *8.105 # 2. 1.99* 1.290 2,062 1.377 8,000 355 50,016 $ Jim, 2,1*8 1.235 8,000 331 53.687 $ 2.02! 55.710 2.273 l.*67 8,b22 396 57.090 $ 2.721 59-S11 2. *67 1.6*9 12,000 339 .0585 2.108 2,108 8.570 17.323 1,212 -u * e .0673 .0625 .0590 .0569 3.610 1.915 5.093 Cr. 28 — a . 3.861 *.U7 1.915 5.093 3.833 7.755 7.5*3 9.133 9.8*2 18.571 18,810 15.980 17.72* 1.258 1,260 1.306 1.381 J.000 *.580 *.600 5.312 .0571 .0558 .0515 .0575 *.759 5.358 *.998 5.665 2*7 _______• *.*08 5.819 .0*91 7.516 26.780 .0*3* 5.oob 10,2*2 17.*1* 1.383 150.,3*8568 18.7U 51..731863 9.*06 9.975 119,.*73012 119 .. **9W5 20,51* 1.*** t \ w \ 3*.296 9.635 20.51* 17 .5b1e5* 61.335 12.965 20,51* 1.39* 39.837 *6.327 _ J a l £ 2 ___ 73i**5 ? ? 1.935 1.29* 7.632 330 *7.692 .131 -52*821 .05*9 83..299092 12,201 9. *96 118,.35*560 cost pm 1000 c a l l u s I K IICOMX ISOM VATXM SMTICI Including replacements under work orders n r IIOOMS PM 1000 CALLOWS U n sS iO T IV P1CPXBTT (* ) ACGBDXD DSPSBCIATIOI (b) SOOK TALUS OP PBOPBETT (a - sinus - b) pxk c m u m u 0 1 book talus: Inc lad lag replaeeaeats under work orders Iscludlng replacements under work orders .0560 D 2,179 » 2.179 D .0038 82,667 19.52* 63.1*3 .0506 .0*85 .0*19 .0*12 .0*20 .0**9 5,053 1*,2*2 16,763 15.593 13.57* 10,807 5.053 1*,7*9 16.763 15.593 17.*37 1 1 .05* .0063 .0188 .0206 .0178 .01*9 .0122 8*,935 85.082 85.082 9*.719 90,*** 90,*** 620,736 21.99* 23.25* 2*,560 25.922 27.302 *. 199 63,088 61,828 70,159 6*.522 63.1*2 7.87 22.57 27.U 22.23 21.0* i7j| 7.87 23.38 27.11 22.23 27.02 *7.W .0*** 10.7*5 10,7*5 .on* .o**7 6.986 11.39* 91.161 13.831 Jo,088 *5.7** 17.20 10.96 17.20 17.87 *Z .0511 .0603 .0698 .0508 126,.029723 D 13.63* 13.1*6 •B:S 3.756 H.95« .006* D .0112 D .026* .00*1 95,611 36***.508301 10*. 100 33.0*6 71,05* 1332*.,*5**o5 98,105 9*.219 6267..*76527 198-.7897 18.50 17.98 5.57 17.73 9 - indieates d e fic it