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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    m n •' '*&* J ? Mil Loa Angeles, December 6, 1955 1-7331* Mr. L. R. Maag - Los Angeles Referring to conversation you had over the telephone with Mr. Conner today regarding invoice we received from City of Las Vegas in amount W-.01 for lowering water line at 23rd and Stewart Streets, Las Vegas, charged to LVL&WCo. We have searched through the files of LVL&WCo# which you sent in from the Las Vegas office and are unable to find any correspondence regarding this matter or evidence that we received the original bill for this work which was performed February 19, 1953* Possibly you could contact Hr. Doyle over the telephone and confirm that the work was actually performed and the cost should be borne by LVL&WCo# If such is the case, please return the bill with your approval as Acting Manager of the Water Company at the time the work was performed. Uc W# H* Johnson 11(v .A u 8 1 8 ! ? Iff 13 0 ? i