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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    V Annual Report to the State Public Service Commission Operating Expenses— Continued 12 A cct. N o. T itle 751.3 751.4 751.5 751.6 751..7 752. 753.1 753.2 753.3 753.4 753.5 753.6 753.7 753.8 761.1 761.2 761.3 761.4 761.5 761.6 770.1 770.2 781.11 781.12 781.21 781.22 781.23 781.24 781.25 761.26 781.27 781.28 781.29 782. 783.1 783.2 783.3- 783.4 783.5 784. 785.1 785.2 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. M a p s and records. Inspecting and testing m eters, etc. R em ov in g and resetting m eters, etc. Transm ission and distribution expense brou g h t forward. Inspecting custom ers' installations. O ther la b or M iscellaneous distribution supplies and expense. M aintenance buildings and fixtures. M aintenance o f transmission mains. M aintenance storage reservoir tanks and stand pipes. M aintenance o f distribution m ains--------- M aintenance o f services. M aintenance o f m eters. M aintenance o f hydrants. M aintenance o f fountains and troughs. T ota l transm ission and distribution expense. Superintendence. M eter reading. C onsum er's accounts. C o lle ct inj C ontract departm ent. M iscellaneous com m ercial departm ent expen! N ew business salaries. N ew business supplies and expense. T otal com m ercial and new business expense. A dm inistrative salaries. O ther general office salaries. G eneral office supplies and expense. General stationery and printing. M aintenance o f general structures. L aw expenses. Insurance. Store expenses. T ransportation expenses. O ther miscellaneous general expense. U ndistributed adjustments. R etirem ent expense. C laim departm en t expenses. M edical expenses. Injuries to employees.. O ther personal injury and p rop erty damage. M iscellaneous accident expenses. R e g u la to ry com m ission expenses. E m p loy ees' w elfare departm ent. Pensions. Franchise requirements. A m ortization o f franchises. W a ter expenses transferred—C red it. Joint operating expenses—Credit. D u p lica te miscellaneous charges—Credit. T o ta l general and m iscellaneous expenses. G rand total operating expenses.