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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    1 WaMSwSraJ p f - ig ' jj , | gig - | , ,K . Los Angeles, C a lif, August 11, 1916, Mr. W alter J, Bracken, General Agent, Las Vegas, N e v .1 My d ear Wal t er, - I am sending you nineteen books of fic tio n ,"b y baggage today, fo r the Library, with the compliments of Mrs. Wann, w ife of our General T ra ffic Manager. • I have held out a few books of the lo t which she sent down here, which I , myself, have never read and which I w i l l re­place and send you others in the next day or so, * > ? Mrs. Wann is taking a. great in te re st in the C irculatin g Library of ours, and she says that she is goSng to do everything that she can to keep i t up. You may possibly have a c a ll from,her some day, and I hope that you w i l l see that a l l books are marked properly and when loaned returned promptly. Yours t r u l y , '