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I agree.Los Angeles, February 26, 195^. Mr. A. S. Stoddard: I attach copy of a communication which Mr.Bennett has just received from Mr. James L. Beehe of the first of O'Melveny & Myers. Mr. Beehe, as you know, has been doing the legal work connected with the proposed purchase of the water properties at Las Togas by the Water District. The copy of memorandum attached td Mr. Beebe's letter will give you the last word on the things to be done, and dates, n in connection with the completion of the proposed sale of the water properties. 1 a® very hopeful that this schedule will be lived up to, mod both Mr. Bennett and X will do everything possible to be helpful. (Signed) W M . R E IN H A R D T k Wm. Reinhardt. hoc - Mr. B. Bennett.